Homestead Weekly Update (6/15/2020)

Farm Updates

I’m posting a bit late this week. I spent the weekend dealing with family business two states away and I spent most of the time driving. Because of that, nobody finished much yard work this weekend. Dave managed to cut back and resmother the evil rose bush by the garage, but the rest is up to me for after work and next weekend. Once I do some aggressive weeding, I’ll focus on starting some fall crops, adding cover crops to the side bed and putting down more weed barriers.

Indoors, I need to put major effort into clearing out spaces. A slew of projects depend on having the sunporch, basement and back bedroom a purged and decluttered.

Overall, It really feels like I neglected the month of June in my garden planning. Next year, addressing weed pressure and having flowers / produce in June will be a high priority.

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