Welcome to Blazing Star

Site News

About 15 years ago, I started a blog called AjaxBestiary.com.  It wasn’t much at first, just a collection of personal notes and a few pet projects.   Essentially, I shared my personal notebook while I tried to learn the in and outs of new technology. The project exceeded my greatest hopes and kickstarted a new career.  It took me from a dead-end gig as an IT guy in upstate NY to a great career as a software engineer and data scientist in Chicago.  I made connections globally, learned a whole heck of a lot and had a fair bit of fun in the process.  As time passed however, AjaxBestiary stopped making sense.  My career, the technical landscape and my personal development goals grew in different directions. I simply couldn’t justify the time and energy it took to maintain the site.

Now it’s time for me to try and work towards my next chapter.  Instead of trying to advance my career, I want to invest in being human.  I want to get my hands dirty and enjoy the fruits of partnering with nature instead of silicon.  But the goals for all of this are vague.  I want to grow food, nurture life, improve my health, become rooted in place, meet people, reduce my environmental impact, improve soil, biodiversity, etc.  It’s a giant laundry list I know, but we’ll take it one project at a time.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still and always will be a nerd.  My fascination with the intersection of people, technology, science, business and nature drives this project.  My homestead merely presents a lens to use for exploring this.  I will build charts, do math, and maybe even write a bit of code along the way.  Hopefully, you’re interested in coming along for the ride.  So thank you for joining me on this journey.  


Welcome to my new blog,

Welcome to my new homestead.

Welcome to Blazing Star!

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